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After spending two years living in South Korea, I began to notice, upon returning to Canada, the differences in how the two cultures view and react to makeup and those who wear it. My background in archaeology, ethnology, art history, and object meaning, helps shapes my interest in makeup to explore other cultures’ uses for makeup, how those cultures feel about those who wear it within their own communities and dive into the thought processes involved in the construction of one’s identity through makeup usage.



With a background in Classical Archaeology and Museum Studies, people are often surprised to find out that I also have a burning passion for makeup and what it means to people. After receiving consistent criticism and questioning about why I choose to wear makeup, I realized how multi-faceted makeup is, and how much further it’s potential has to be more than just a beauty tool. With these skills, I look forward to combining my passion for museum exhibition and makeup to open new conversations about how we view makeup as art in Toronto.

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